Tribute to the 10th EXO anniversary: A personal story


In this Friday 4/8 marks 10 years since EXO debuted. One of the biggiest K-Pop groups from the 2nd Generation, the band was formed by SM Enterteniment in 2011 and debuted in 2012 with twelve members. The original concept envolved the sub-units EXO-K and EXO-M, which the members often sang in Korean and Mandarin. The group has achieved the goal of being popular in Korea and China, despite the departure of some Chinese members, these had succeed solo in their homeland.

I met about EXO when I started to listen to K-Pop. I usually listened some japanese playlists, but I noticed that many songs were not by Japanese, but Korean songs that were very successful in the country or songs in Japanese by Korean groups. As a brazilian and music fan, I didn’t really like K-Pop because of the plasticity and also some prejudice for being “teen girls music”. Many reasons led me to like K-Pop, but EXO was definitely the biggest one.

It was 2016, when they were the “Nation’s Pick”. I remember liking some songs, like ‘Call Me Baby” and “Monster” but suddenly I decided to listen the entire discography. I didn’t liked much of vocal harmony groups, but there was something that interested me in EXO. The vocals, combine with the compositions, reminded me the greateast pop songs from 2000s, when R&B ruled over electro dance music. The group had electronic music in its identity, but some way they made me like again commercial pop music.

Since then, they’ve been the act I’ve listened to the most. I don’t have the same involvement as most ‘eris’ fans have with members, but I respect they a lot. In an escapist way, they have been my remedy at times I just wanted to hear some fun, upbeat music. It’s complicated to think about the effort they make and everything they have to go through to be where they are, but as an audience I just have to thanks for the great work from everyone envolved, mainly the producers and songwriters. Although it’s been a while that the complete nine formation doesn’t meet, It’s nice to see the members delivering solo work, being able to exercise more of their personal personality.

To finish, I have very clear on my mind a vlive from KAI (Jongin) when he cries reading a fan letter. I remember identifying myself a lot with this eris words, because I had these same feelings about the EXOs work, about the joy of being an EXO-L. The OBSESSION album was released some days after I had panic attack for studying many years for the college entrance exam. That moment, theses songs was the only thing that made me want not to give up and continue with my dream of being a music journalist. Today I exercise my dream writing for the Honorary Reporters and my personal blog.

Thank you EXO, from a fan who would never have imagined loving a boygroup haha.

Original posted on: Talk Talk Korea – Honorary Reporters